The Undeniable Benefits of Microchipping Your Four Legged Friend

Let’s face it, even the best pet parent has to face the day when their four legged friend goes missing. As careful as we can be, sometimes there are factors beyond our control that cause the unthinkable to happen. If your pet gets out and goes missing, what can you do to make sure he’s brought home safely? If this thought worries you, keep reading to find out how microchipping can help bring your fur baby home.
How Microchipping Works
A microchip is one of the best ways to find a lost dog or cat. A tiny electronic chip, pre-programmed with a unique number, is implanted underneath your pet’s skin. This number is registered in a nationwide database along with your contact details. If your pet is found and scanned, you are a phone call away from a happy reunion.
Benefits of Cat and Dog Microchipping
As pet owners, we do many things to prevent pain and hardship for our pets such as vaccinations, treating ticks, fleas, and de-worming. Microchipping belongs on the pet ownership to-do list for a few good reasons.
- Lost & Found
Some pets get a taste for freedom and become doggy escape artists who are constantly foiling their owner’s attempts at keeping them in. Others may fear lightning or fireworks. The chances of someone finding your pet and returning them to you, increase in microchipped pets.
- Last a Lifetime
The microchips used for pets are designed to last the pet’s lifetime. The process is usually something that happens once in an animal’s life.
- Painless Procedure
The chip implant is done in your vet’s rooms. It is a simple, quick, and pain-free experience, much like a vaccination injection. No anesthetic is needed and your pet will likely be completely unaware of anything being different.
- Collars and Name Tags
If you’re only using a collar and a name tag for identification, there’s a good chance of the tag coming off and getting lost, or the collar snapping off and taking the tag with it. A microchip is safely stored beneath the animal’s skin and can’t get lost. It’s advisable to use both as a precaution. You can also attach your animal’s rabies tags to their collar.
- Less Time Until Your Pet Comes Home
With a microchipped animal, the time they spend away from the safety of home is shorter. Apart from saving you emotional anguish, the less time your animal spends on the street fending for themselves, the better. You want your pet to be back home where they’ll be properly looked after as soon as possible.
Keep Your Four Legged Friend Safe
Many things we do to for our four legged friends take time and daily energy, such as feeding them and making sure they get enough exercise. Microchipping them only has to happen once. Other than that, you make sure your contact details are up-to-date annually and you can relax, knowing that you’ve done everything you can to make sure your pet is safe.
If you’ve found this article useful, check out our other pet safety tips under the Pet Welfare tag.