Four Important Steps You Must Take After an Albuquerque Car Accident Lawyer

If you have been involved in a car accident in Albuquerque, you might not be sure about your next steps, particularly if someone else caused the accident. Under the law, you can take action against the party who caused your accident, but you must follow some steps to protect your claim’s value. And to make sure you follow these steps, you need a car accident lawyer Albuquerque to advise and guide you. The following are important steps you must take after a car crash:
Gather Information
Police officers cannot make it to the accident scene on time. If you are able to and conditions are safe, try to gather information right after the accident while you wait for law enforcement officers to arrive. This way, you will be equipped with the information you can support your claim when the negligent driver tries to flee the scene or when a police officer makes a mistake on the police report. The information you can collect includes vehicle information, accident location, information about the driver and their insurance company, witness information, as well as road conditions.
Take Photos or Videos
Photos can be crucial evidence for your accident claim. Police officers give a narrative of how the crash took place. Photos and videos can supplement their narrative and make it hard for the other party to deny liability. Ensure you take photos of the vehicle damage, property damage to signs, fences, and park cars, the other driver’s vehicle license, obvious injuries you have sustained, and any hazards that might have contributed to the crash.
See a Doctor
Even if you only feel a bit of soreness, bruises, or bumps, ensure you get checked by a doctor. If you sustained serious injuries or are left unconscious after the crash, you will be transported by emergency personnel to the nearest hospital. But, if you are not in this situation, you still have to accept medical treatment, particularly when the crash was the other driver’s fault. By getting a medical evaluation, your doctor can make a medical report that can serve as evidence for your injury claim against the at-fault driver. In addition, some car crashes can result in hidden injuries that can be fatal when left untreated.
Hire a Lawyer
Call a car accident lawyer as soon as possible following a car accident that wasn’t your fault. Your attorney can investigate the crash and disclose the facts that can support your claim. Also, they will find additional evidence like witness statements and footage from traffic cameras.