Accepting Your First Workers’ Compensation Offer – A Good Decision Or Not?

When you get injured at your job, you can get compensated for your injuries by filing a workers’ compensation claim. The workers’ compensation claim can pay for your medical bills and lost wages for the number of days you miss work.
We understand it can be tempting to accept the first offer when you need it; however, it is never wise to do so. The first offer made by your insurer is the lowest one. To make sure you get adequately compensated, work with an experience Virginia Beach workers’ compensation lawyer.
Do you compulsorily have to accept the first offer?
No, you are not legally obligated to accept the first offer made by the insurance company, and you are within your rights to reject it and request a higher amount. When you file the claim, your insurance company will try to make you think the first offer is the best you can get, but that is rarely the case. You should evaluate all your damages with the help of a lawyer and seek consultation before accepting or rejecting an offer.
Factors to consider before accepting an offer
After being in an accident, you may want to end the insurance process as soon as possible and consider taking the first amount you get. However, it would help if you considered certain factors first.
Fair compensation is that which covers all your losses and does not leave anything out. The compensation amount should cover your medical bills, including your medications, tests, appointments, travel costs to visit your doctor, hospitalization bills, medical equipment for home or other accommodation, etc.
If your wounds are preventing you from working, the amount should also cover your lost wages. This means that the number of days you cannot work, the compensation will take care of your daily living costs. Other than that, if you have acquired a disability because of the accident, it can cause a significant loss of income. Therefore, before you accept the first offer, make sure the amount is enough to cover all these damages.
What if I do not accept the offer?
If you feel the insurance company is not offering the right amount for covering your damages, you can reject their offer and explain to them with valid evidence why you deserve a higher amount. After that, the insurer will either accept your offer, reject it, or offer another amount. With the help of a lawyer, you can determine whether the new offer is reasonable. If you and the insurance company fail to arrive at a settlement, you can take the matter to court and file a lawsuit against your employer or the company.