What Is Orthodontics Treatment, Anyway?

The lady with the golden teeth Orthodontics Treatment had never known what it was like to have crooked teeth. She lived in a wealthy part of town where all the little girls wore braces, but her parents didn’t think that she needed them. At school, everyone made fun of how crooked she was, and they made sure that she knew that one day they would be straightened out by an orthodontist.
The shame drove the golden-toothed girl to become a dentist herself, so she could put on braces for free on anyone who asked at first. But secretly, she longed to wear her own braces again…
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On this day, after seeing dozens of patients adorned with their metal crowns and fancy new smiles, the golden-toothed girl felt inspired. She shut down her practice, and she began to write a blog. Then she gave it away for free on the internet without any shame or secrecy.
On the internet, the golden-toothed girl was known as BraceFace44, and her blog became an instant sensation across the world. Within days of publishing it, BraceFace’s readership exploded into the millions; people from all across America Orthodontics Treatment were writing to her with their stories of hardship and pain, but also their triumphs and excitement for a brighter future ahead. Soon enough, strangers from foreign countries had joined in too – one soldier even wrote to tell BraceFace about how his braces arrived just in after being deployed to Afghanistan!
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It was largely due to BraceFace’s work that America finally accepted dental hygiene as an art form in the public eye, and it became a little less embarrassing for children to wear braces while young. Within five years, the number of people owning braces rose by over 30%, with even more considering their own orthodontics treatments.
BraceFace wasn’t just a symbol of self-acceptance for this new generation though – she was also one of their most important role models too. After all, if she could have confidence in her dreams despite being discouraged by everyone else, then why couldn’t they?
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The clock struck 2 pm on a summer afternoon when Braceface finished typing out another blog entry at the dentist’s office where she worked part-time. As usual, she was wearing braces herself, which were white in color and metal in shape. On the walls around her hung plaques, awards, and photos of her shaking hands with famous celebrities at conventions.
But while she usually loved coming to work – after all, it gave her a chance to help others get their teeth straight – today felt different. She stared out into space for about 10 seconds before snapping back to reality…she had just received an email from one of her regular readers who wanted Braceface’s opinion on something important. Maybe if I can solve this reader’s problem, Braceface thought, then maybe everything else will fit together again too.
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She took out a pad of paper next to her and a pen from the cupboard and began to write down her response…
Hello R, Braceface wrote. Your question has been asked by many others out there, but I’m afraid that it is a difficult one to answer. The truth of the matter is that even if you can get braces on your teeth for free – which I hope you can! – then the treatment may not always be pleasant. In fact, it may even cause your teeth MORE pain than they already have! You need to think about what is causing this toothache in the first place though. Maybe you could see a dentist?
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But don’t do so just because everyone else says so…do it because YOU want to do it too. If dental hygiene is what you really care about then stand up for yourself and do what is best for YOU. If orthodontics treatment isn’t right for you, then don’t force it! But if it IS the right thing to do, then so be it. Whatever will happen, I can assure you that nothing bad will come of this decision. You are strong enough to handle anything that comes your way – just remember how much people love reading about your adventures in braces on your blog!
For a brief moment, the golden-toothed girl smiled as she put down her pen and paper. Then, taking a deep breath out of habit, Braceface shook herself from side to side…and at once all of the pain from her teeth faded away. She felt infinitely better after writing her response, and the clock in the office showed that she still had roughly half an hour left before it was time to finish up and go home for the day.
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BraceFace got out of her seat then and went over to the one person in the office who wasn’t a fellow dental hygienist herself – Dr. Lark, whom Braceface’s mother often helped at the hospital not far from here (mainly because he needed extra help). He was about to put some fillings into another patient’s mouth when suddenly his phone started vibrating with an incoming call. This startled him so much that he accidentally stuck his pincer tool into the patient’s cheeks!
It was evening. The sun hovered over to the west and its red glow lit up half of his sister’s face. The warm light illuminated her blond hair, which cascaded down her shoulders in long waves. Jennifer looked at him with her full brown eyes and said.
Jim frowned at this answer to his question – he knew that a trait was something that a person inherited from their parents. It explained the color of one’s eyes or hair, for example, or that you either had a big nose or had your lips stretched out.