We could talk about Google Analytics for hours, but today we’re focusing on traffic quality and how do you measure the quality of your organic traffic in google analytics. The quality traffic is one of the main factors to be considered while performing digital marketing services. The following are the most important KPIs to monitor:
Engagement metrics: Time on site, pages per session, and exit rate.
Conversion metrics: Conversion rates, form submissions, and other goal completions.
Relevant metrics: Bounce rate, user geo-location, new and recurring visitors.
Engagement Metrics
Time on site: The time on site is the amount of time a user spends on a website, whether or not it is being used. For example, if a user has numerous tabs open but isn’t necessarily utilising all of them at the same time, Google Analytics will still track the amount of time each tab was open.
Pages per session: Simply explained, pages per session is the average number of pages viewed by a user in a single session. It is one of the most essential behaviour indicators in GA because it reveals how far a visitor navigates within your site. In other words, the more pages they look at, the more engaged they are in what you’re saying. The home page is usually the first page a person sees, but the goodies are on the service or product pages. As a result, you should aim to have at least two pages every session on average to get quality visitors.
Exit rate: This one is very self-explanatory. An exit rate indicates how frequently a customer leaves your site after viewing a certain page. The exit rate, unlike the bounce rate, indicates that a user left one page and proceeded to another. Let’s look at an illustration.
Assume a new visitor comes to your homepage but wants to learn more, so they go to your blog. They read your content for a while and then leave once they’ve found what they’re looking for. This appears as a percentage under site content > all pages > exit rates.
Conversion Metrics
Conversion rate: Google Analytics estimates the overall website conversion rate by adding up all of your site’s goal completions. Consider looking at each goal separately to see how it’s working so you can determine which conversion goals you’re meeting and which conversion goals need to be altered. To achieve the conversion goals you should get services from the best digital marketing service providers.
Form submissions: Form submissions and the quality of organic traffic have a similar link to conversion rate. An objective that users are prompted to fulfil is completing a form submission. If a big number of your visitors don’t fill out a form, it means they aren’t interested and hence aren’t the visitors you should be targeting. If this is the case, rethink the type of information you’re looking for, the form’s usability, and the overall UX of your form page to make it more relevant and interesting.
Other goal completions: Goals such as trial signups, newsletter signups, ebook downloads, and case study downloads can also be set up. These objectives can be tracked by time, events, pages, or url. Tracking your various objectives allows you to gain a better understanding of your target audience. And how they interact with your website. You’ll be able to investigate which channels are most effective for your total digital marketing efforts, as well as strategies to combine UX and content design into your SEO approach.
False conversions: Although it’s necessary to measure metrics in Google Analytics, it’s also crucial to make sure your data isn’t skewed by fake conversions. Inaccuracies in your data collection can lead to a variety of issues. Including incorrect judgments about your traffic and its quality. Looking at such fictitious data will lead you to choose and implement the incorrect SEO strategy for your website.
Relevance Metrics
User geo-location: Scroll down to the audience section on the left, then to geo, and finally to location to identify your audience’s geo-location. All of the numerous nations from which users come. As well as their acquisition, behaviour, and conversion data, are all listed here. You may drill down even further by selecting a specific country and viewing data at the state or local level.
Bounce rate: The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who come to your website and leave without going to another page.
If you have affiliate links on your site. For example, a user may click on a certain link and be redirected to a new browser window. Your bounce rate would be high. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing in this case because affiliate purchases are one of your business objectives. If you’re a service-based company with a high bounce rate. It means that customers aren’t finding what they’re looking for on your site and are leaving.
New & Returning Visitors: Visit the audience tab, then click on behaviour and “new and returning visitors” to learn more about your new and returning visitors. As your firm grows, instead of looking at these indicators separately. It’s a smart rule of thumb to look at them all at once.
Both of these numbers should rise with time. However, if the number of returning visitors ever drops dramatically, it could be a concerning statistic. You’d have to look into why this is happening in depth. (such as a recent change on your site or the wrong marketing tactic).
More quality traffic = more money in the bank, at the end of the day.
As a result, your main goal should be to create the best content, website. And user experience possible in order to convert those visitors into loyal clients. Make sure to map out engagement metrics like time on site and pages per session. Conversion metrics like form submissions, and relevancy analytics like bounce rate and user geo-location in order to achieve these objectives. Moreover, make sure to hire the best digital marketing services providers to help you in achieving your business goals.
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